Join the 2383 NWIR Members!


Call for Presentations for NWiR Day 2020

The third annual NWiR Day will be held February 2, 2020 in Dallas, Texas. To create an energetic and intuitive agenda that is responsive to the needs of women in the roofing industry, we are looking for your suggestions and contributions on best practices and important issues to empower women in the roofing industry. NWiR Day is not just another professional development conference; it is a time for women to engage in education, networking, and mentoring [...]

2020-06-25T12:48:34-06:00By |

Five Ways You Can Market Your Contracting Business

Use Tips From ABC Supply on Professionalism, Online Presence and Customer Reviews So much of what you hear about marketing these days is in the digital space, and while that’s an important component, there is so much more that goes into promoting a business. Here are five ways you can help your business stand out from the competition and win more jobs. 1. Have a Professional Online Presence From a professional website to a consistent social [...]

2019-09-23T08:54:43-06:00By |

How to read a SDS

In June 2016 OSHA implemented the program to have all SDSs’ (Safety Data Sheets) updated under GHS (Globally Harmonized System). Employers are required to have an SDS on hand for each hazardous chemical kept on site. If you come in contact with hazardous chemicals at work, you should have the proper training to protect you and your co-workers while at work. What about other chemicals you encounter? At home have you ever looked up the SDS [...]

2020-06-25T12:52:58-06:00By |

New Workers vs. Newborns

A newborn baby is awful. Whoops, AN awful lot like a new employee. They can’t do very much and may cause you to lose sleep. They require constant attention and they need you to teach them everything, including what is expected of them. All too often I hear about employees who were let go, saying “it just isn’t working out” at least that’s the PG version. This isn’t necessarily the employees fault. A new employee needs [...]

2019-06-01T11:06:51-06:00By |

How to Interview Your Child

The only thing worse than having to fire someone who isn’t right for the job is having someone who is right, not show up to work. Finding and hiring the right people is one of the biggest challenges facing the roofing industry these days. Many companies are feeling the pain of what seems to be a revolving door of employees coming and going. Find out how to properly screen your candidates in the latest Work / [...]

2019-05-06T05:42:53-06:00By |

Recruiting Talent to Address the Labor Shortage

Please join our May 29th webinar on recruiting talent and addressing the labor shortage in the roofing industry. Lorna Mendez of the NWiR Education Committee will be discussing how to recruit, train and place women on roofing-oriented career paths. Key outcomes of this webinar will include: Recruiting Workers Addressing workforce challenges Equipping leaders to thrive in a culturally complex world Register here Want to share your thoughts with us? Have questions you want to be sure [...]

2019-04-01T04:36:23-06:00By |

Q1 Education Committee Update

We started the year by embracing our differences! Our first webinar, held with our Alliance Partner, RCI, Inc., discussed the Advantages of a Multi-Generational Workforce. Senior Director of Technical Services, Wanda Edwards was joined by fellow RCI members, Julie McDonald, Branch Manager at Building Envelope Consulting, LLC and Stephenie Williams at WJE. Want to hear the conversation again? Click here for the recording. For the first time in history, five generations are working side by side, [...]

2019-01-30T06:18:11-07:00By |

Roof Safety During Winter Weather

If you find yourself in an area that accumulates snow, how do you know if you are protecting yourself and your workers from potential accidents and injuries while working on a roof? The year 2011 saw a surge in numerous building failures in the northeastern part of the United States due to multiple major snow storms. Building codes are used by structural engineers to determine snow loads on roofs. They utilize the IBC (International Building Code) [...]

2019-01-29T07:58:21-07:00By |

Can We Do it All?

“Dinner’s ready, come to the table, please!” I holler to my family who is scattered throughout the house.  I’m pretty impressed with myself today; I finished work early enough to get home and cook a healthy balanced meal for my family, and now we are about to sit down, together, and enjoy it, and each other’s company.  Except we didn’t.  Our 4-year-old, Kyle made every attempt to avoid eating the same way our 11-year-old, Lucas avoided [...]

2019-01-27T09:30:03-07:00By |
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