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What are NWIR Councils?

NWIR has national reach and is working with leading roofing contractor associations, roof consultants, manufacturers and distributors. NWIR Councils, located throughout the country, are critical links to these groups and to the NWIR leadership. We encourage you to start a local or state Council in your area. You will receive full support from the national NWIR leadership, and you will be taking an important step in advancing your career and the careers of your roofing colleagues.

State and local councils serve as a venue for members to connect regularly to exchange ideas, attend educational events, and develop relationships to advance women within the roofing profession. State and local councils regularly interact in a community setting to provide activities that directly impact the future of women in roofing. And, most importantly, state and local councils are aware of and sensitive to the unique needs of their members and the communities where they work.. For these reasons, state and local councils are an important grass-roots link to all women roofing professionals.

It requires commitment to create a NWIR council.  It requires the work of dedicated roofing professionals who agree with the NWIR mission to energize a state or local council, and grow it into a respected and influential component of NWIR.  Councils receive significant support from the National Board of Directors.  Administrative tasks, such as collecting membership dues and paying bills are carried out by the association management staff.  NWIR has also done all the work of bylaws, branding, and establishing policies and procedures. We invite you to join us in our important work, and impact the future of women in roofing from the rooftop to the boardroom.

If you’re ready to actively move forward and start a council in your area, contact the Councils Committee Chairs at councils@nationalwomeninroofing.org. In addition, please reach out if you are interested in assisting with helping to lead a council that has been established but needs additional leaders. We will put you in touch with the existing leaders to combine forces.

Existing Councils and Councils in Development

NWIR has Councils forming all over the country. Click on a Council below to register your interest in being contacted next time there is a Council event. Also make sure that your address in the member database is the address where you live; you’ll automatically be included on any information that goes out from the Council in your area. If there isn’t a Council near you, then email councils@nationalwomeninroofing.org to find out how to get one started in your area!

Active Councils

Inactive Councils
If you are a member and or leader of a council listed below, please contact NWIR Executive Director Katie Bodiford at
(205) 303-9465 or katie@nationalwomeninroofing.org for steps on reactivating your council.

Interested in Helping to Lead a Council?

Contact the Councils Committee Chairs at councils@nationalwomeninroofing.org if you are interested in starting a Council or assisting with helping to lead a council that has been established but needs additional leaders. We will put you in touch with the existing leaders to combine forces.

Council Leader Status Update For National

All Council Leaders should notify the National office of their current leadership role, or if they are no longer serving in a leadership role.

NWIR continues to grow and expand in every way possible. We are so appreciative of our members and their passion for this industry. Because of this unbridled growth and success, NWIR needs Councils to keep the national office updated on their leadership positions. These leadership positions are: Lead Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, or Other (education, etc). In order to hold a Council leader position, you must be a current member of NWIR.

National relies on their membership management software for all communication purposes. Please update your Council Member Status by clicking on the appropriate link below. Login to the NWIR website is required. As a reminder, your username will typically be your email address.

  • To add or update your Council leader member status, please click HERE. (please note: your membership to NWIR must be current in order to complete this form. If it is not, please renew your membership today!)
  • To remove yourself as a Council member from the communications/distribution list, please click HERE.

Note: You are not able to add or remove colleagues as Council leaders. Please direct your colleagues to this web page to update their status. Thank you!