Looking for information on membership, becoming a volunteer, or getting involved in a Council? Check out some of the other information on the site!

  • Can I use a member logo on my email? Yes! Go here Membership Benefits
  • How do I get in touch with the __________________ Council (chapter)?  Councils
  • Is there a Council/chapter in my area? Councils
  • I’m interested in being a member. Can you give me more information? Membership
  • Can you add my email to the contact list for a particular Council? You can do this yourself by updating your profile.
  • I’m a Council leader and can’t find a particular document. 99% of things you’ll need are on the Resources for Council Leaders page. You can get the password by looking at a previous agenda or by calling the office.

The front line in the NWIR office can also help you with the following questions; call the office at 303-674-7275:

  • What is my member number?
  • I can’t get into the member database, can you please reset my password?
  • I need to change my username.
  • I need to change my email.
  • I want to access a password protected page, how do I find out the password?
  • I’m a Council leader and can’t get into the website to access my Council page to update it.
  • I’m a Council leader and can’t find a particular document.
  • I need a W-9 for NWIR — Click here for the W-9

But if you have a question or comment that doesn’t fall into any of the above categories, then please contact us!  Inquiries via this form are delivered to the NWIR office and are responded to within 24-48 hours.

NWIR Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3406, Englewood, CO 80155

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