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N.E.W.S Scholarship – 2022

N.E.W.S. (Network of Educating Women Scholarship) Conference Attendee Program NWIR is honored to offer for a fourth year the scholarship program for first-time contractor attendees to NWIR Day and the 2022 IRE and NRCA Convention in New Orleans, LA. This program is designed to encourage first-time attendees who work for a contractor to experience the benefits of professional development in the roofing industry. Attendance at these events can influence one’s career trajectory and benefit not just [...]

2021-09-28T16:36:19-06:00By |

N.E.W.S Scholarship Recipient Experience

About my experience: I've spent the last year and a half stuggling with if I belong in the roofing industry and coming from a roofing family there was the constant nagging of imposter syndrom. Do I belong here? Am I qualified for my job? Is this what I should be doing? Am I doing enough? All of these thoughts have been nagging at me for the last year and a half, and a part of me [...]

2021-08-31T12:51:39-06:00By |

Recipients of the N.E.W.S Conference Attendee Program

N.E.W.S. (Network of Educating Women Scholarship) Conference Attendee Program NWIR is honored to offer for a third year the scholarship program for first-time contractor attendees to NWIR Day and the 2021 IRE and NRCA Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada.  This program is designed to encourage first-time attendees who work for a contractor to experience the benefits of professional development in the roofing industry.  Attendance at these events can influence one’s career trajectory and benefit not just [...]

2021-07-14T16:43:11-06:00By |

N.E.W.S. (Network of Educating Women Scholarship) Conference Attendee Program

N.E.W.S. (Network of Educating Women Scholarship) NWIR is honored to offer for a third year the scholarship program for first-time contractor attendees to NWIR Day and the 2021 IRE and NRCA Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. This program is designed to encourage first-time attendees who work for a contractor to experience the benefits of professional development in the roofing industry. Attendance at these events can influence one’s career trajectory and benefit not just the attendee, but [...]

2021-04-05T08:46:57-06:00By |

Wise Women in Roofing; Jennifer Stone

Jennifer Stone - Johns Manville When you were starting out did you have a mentor, and if so was it, someone, you sought out or they found you? I was not part of a formal mentorship program at really any job I have had. Starting in Roofing that would have been key to be able to have a mentorship program in place to lean on. I did however start to make friendships and alliances that grew [...]

2021-03-22T14:04:41-06:00By |
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