About my experience:

I’ve spent the last year and a half stuggling with if I belong in the roofing industry and coming from a roofing family there was the constant nagging of imposter syndrom. Do I belong here? Am I qualified for my job? Is this what I should be doing? Am I doing enough? All of these thoughts have been nagging at me for the last year and a half, and a part of me worried that I would never find peace. Even while I was applying for the N.E.W.S Scholarship and finding out that I was picked as one of the winners, I struggled to believe that I could find a place in this industry. That feeling followed me until I was sitting in a room full of women from all walks of life hearing Megan Keyes say that where I am is good, sitting in a breakout session hearing Kendall Ekerson say its okay to leave and return to the industry, and listening to Christine Mockenhaupt say that every career path can be re-created in the roofing industry. Do I belong here? Yes. Am I qualified for my job? Yes. Is this what I should be doing? For now. Am I doing enough? Yes.

Walking into National Women in Roofing Day and the International Roofing Expo 2021 I was unsure and alone. Walking away from NWIR Day and IRE I am confident and supported. Words cannot describe how amazing and powerful the week was, or how it has helped me view my place within this industry. I am so thankful for opportunity this scholarship granted me, and all of the amazing women I was able to connect with during NWIR Day, and IRE. I can proudly say that I belong in the roofing industry, and I know that no matter what I have hundreds of women wanting me to succeed and supporting me through my journey. To sum up my time in Las Vegas, it was a great week that offered me an abuance of opportunities to make wonderful connections and learn so much about the roofing industry and for that I am so grateful.