The SoCal council elected its 2021-22 officers and committee chairs.

This year’s officers:
Council Chair: Maria Alcala
Secretary: Linda Foster
Treasurer: Jackie Medina
Standing Committees:
Communications: Shari Carlozzi
Mentorship: Gina Cashner
Education: Denise Cantu
Social/Networking: Amy Lee and Maria Alcala
Community Service: Cindy Rivera and Maria Alcala
WORLD AWARD: Careylyn Clifford

The SoCal council hosted their October meeting at Senor Fish in Glendale, CA with a Day of the Dead theme. Council chair, Maria Alcala led the group with an informal round-robin get acquainted exercise while decorating Day of the Dead ceramic skull planters. It was a great way to reconnect since NWIR day and opened a pathway for WORLD AWARD and RISING STAR nominations from the council. Amy Lee set up the council’s group chat on “What’s App?” to help keep us connected.
SoCal council established a schedule for 6 in-person meetings per year, and due to the distance of travel for the council members, agreed that 3 could be via zoom to accommodate work and family schedule issues. SoCal will continue to support the Alexandria House as their community service focus, and on that note, we recognize today, November 2 as the day NWIR’s SoCal council first stepped foot on the Alexandria House property in 2016. We intend to foster that relationship and support them for at least another 5 years!