Are you hiring? We can help you recruit! NWIR and RCS are partnering to help roofing contractors find talent in a different way. Let us use our social network to spread positivity and recruit into the roofing industry.
There are a lot of people looking for a new opportunity and Roofing is Open for Business! Submit your job posting to National Women in Roofing (NWIR) and RoofersCoffeeShop (RCS), a NWIR Platinum Sponsor, will post NWIR members job openings for FREE. NWIR and RCS will reshare postings within both networks and run a special premium ad on RoofersCoffeeShop Classifieds featuring all job openings. NWIR and RCS will share job posting on social networks of the NWIR, the NWIR Board of Directors and Executive Committee via Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.
Submit your job posting here –