With the mainstream usage of the Cold Fluid Applied, Liquid Resin Roofing & Waterproofing Membranes; it is necessary to obtain the technical knowledge used to provide QC inspections. Course will provide attendees of basic “what to look for” information, some science related to the information and corrective course of actions that may be possible.
- Learning Objective 1: Understand the recommended application procedures for these types of liquid resin systems. Including several different resin and reinforcement types typically seen in the U.S. market.
- Learning Objective 2: Identify typical application deficiencies including substrate preparation, primer application, membrane application and surfacing.
- Learning Objective 3: Develop solutions for typical problems encountered in the field and provide recommendations on how to address these problems promptly before they become large scale issues.
- Learning Objective 4: Show project specific case studies to support the common sense solutions for application deficiencies.