RCS offers five different podcast categories for you to enjoy with your morning coffee or on your way to work. Podcasts have become a popular media form to consume information, learn new things, and stay up to date on industry trends. Podcasts are engaging, easy to listen to and mobile. People can listen in their cars while they commute, on their phones while waiting in line, or on their computers. Forbes reported, “there are over 800,000 active podcasts with over 54 million podcast episodes currently available worldwide.” RoofersCoffeeShop® has joined the podcasting world as one of the 800,000 active podcasts.

Apple first introduced the world to podcasting 15 years ago in 2004. They offered more than 3,000 free podcasts to iTunes users. Podcasting has since become mainstream. Edison Research and Triton Digital found that, “there are now 62 million Americans listening to podcasts each week, [which is] up from 19 million in 2013.” According to the New York Times, “More than half the people in the United States have listened to one [podcast], and nearly one out of three people listen to at least one podcast every month. Last year, it was more like one in four.”

With that being said, RoofersCoffeeShop is in on the podcasting scene too, bringing you podcasts on roofing industry highlights, interviews with roofing professionals and so much more. There are five different podcast categories to choose from: Stories from the Roof, Roofing Road Trips, Coffee Conversations, RLW Podcasts and Partner Podcasts. Learn more about each series below:
Stories from the Roof – Listen to how roofing contractors got introduced to the industry, what they’ve learned along the way, and advice they have for current roofers or those just getting started in the trade.

Roofing Road Trips – On this podcast, Heidi travels (physically and virtually) across the country, meeting talented roofing professionals, learning about new products and discovering business techniques that work. Along the way, she talks with others about the work they do, what’s new and the current state of the industry.

Coffee Conversations – Pour a cup of coffee and hear about the best practices and advice from different business and industry experts during the newest podcast series- Coffee Conversations. Heidi facilitates conversations about a myriad of topics that are top of mind for roofing contractors and professionals in the industry, including but not limited to Roofing Day, giving back, recruiting the next generation of workers and more.

RLW Podcasts – RLW stands for Read, Listen, Watch. The podcast is the “Listen” portion of an RLW. Roofing professionals shared they want to consume content the way they want and when they want, whether that’s reading at night before bed, listening in their car on the way to work, or watching videos with their morning coffee. RCS responded with Read, Listen, Watch, so roofers can consume information whichever way it’s convenient for them. Topics range from helping homeowners through insurance claims, how to use excel, scholarship programs available, and new emerging technologies, among others.

Partner Podcasts – RCS has many amazing partners, and this is where you can learn more from them! They share installation tips, business practices, how to generate leads, the importance of marketing, waterproofing tips and more.

While there are hundreds of thousands of podcast options for people to listen to, RCS has catered their podcasts to roofers and the roofing industry. Podcasts are convenient to listen to, a great conversation starter, and an easy way to learn new things.
Check out the RCS podcast page to start listening at www.rooferscoffeeshop.com/podcasts.

