By the time the newsletter is sent out the Education Committee will have run close to 40 folks through OSHA 10-hour En Espanol!
¡Una iniciativa que esperamos repetir anualmente! An initiative we hope to repeat annually! Lorna Rojas delivered the training, with the help of Manaya Robertson. Now the attendee names will be submitted to OSHA so those who completed the course can be certified and issued their official OSHA 10 card. I would like to thank Lorna and Manaya for their dedication to safety and the Spanish speaking community.
Speaking of dedication, let’s talk about Jae Horbacz. Jae has been an absolute asset and joy to have on the Education Committee. Jae was instrumental in starting and sustaining technical content month after that month. Each month Jae researched white papers, online self-paced learning, videos and AIA presentations for NWiR and its members. Jae is moving on to become the Vice Chair for Membership. Thanks for everything Jae – yours are hard shoes to fill.
The OSHA 10 training was our last event for 2023. The committee is now focused on our 2023 initiative The Business of Women in Roofing. Be sure to check the event calendar, as we will be getting some save the date info out soon. Feel free to join our monthly committee call. We’d love to see you!