NWIR was awesome and all four scholarship winners had an amazing time, networked, learned so much and made lasting friendships.
Here is one of the winners experience: Whether it’s presentations, conversations, or product demonstrations, it’s immediately obvious who pays attention to small details and polish. It is obvious that the group hosting NWIR nailed these efforts throughout the whole event. From the selection of speakers to the swag bags every detail was planned with a lot of heart and soul.
I feel extremely blessed for my time at the NWIR sessions and the IRE. Not only did I get to listen to and learn from a group of fabulous presenters. The people I met are amazing ( a few of whom I believe will end up being long term friends and support). Such a diverse group representing every aspect you could think of related to roofing, from administration and sales all the way to applicators. One of the biggest things this conference highlighted to me is that we need a council in western Canada, and am excited to start one up here. Thank you again to NWIR and everyone that hosted us.