The deadline has been extended to December 16th and the winners will be notified by January 6th.
N.E.W.S. (Network of Educating Women Scholarship) Conference Attendee Program – for NWiR Day and IRE 2023
NWIR is honored to offer for a fifth year the scholarship program for first-time contractor attendees to NWIR Day and the 2023 IRE and NRCA Convention in Dallas, TX. This program is designed to encourage first-time attendees who work for a contractor to experience the benefits of professional development in the roofing industry. Attendance at these events can influence one’s career trajectory and benefit not just the attendee, but her company/employer as well. NWIR is pleased to offer four scholarships for 2023.
Scholarship Package
• Attendance at NWIR Day on March 5
• IRE Tradeshow Expo Pass
• Super Pass to Education Sessions March 7-9
• Hotel accommodations (not to exceed $1,500)
• Roundtrip airfare (not to exceed ($800)
• Tailored agenda with host provided by NWIR Mentorship Committee
*Each attendee and her employer will be responsible for meals, ground transportation and incidentals
Guidelines for applicants
• Current NWIR Member
• Woman working as or employed by a roofing contractor
• Agreement to attend NWIR Day, education sessions and the expo
• Attend the NWIR hosted session held during the IRE education sessions
• Assist with staffing the NWIR booth at the expo (2-3 hours total)
• Agreement to write a statement summarizing her experience and provide a photographic release
• If an employee (rather than an owner), agreement from your employer for paid time off to travel from March 4-9
How To Apply
• Email submission to the Mentoring Committee Chair, Kelley Caron at
• Tell us the number of years and position(s) held in the roofing industry.
• Indicate whether you are a member of NWiR as well as any other roofing associations.
• Write a brief summary on why you would like to be selected to attend the 2023 NWIR Day and the IRE & NRCA Convention. (Limit to 500 words)
• The deadline to apply is December 9, 2022. Winners will be notified by January 6 and announced on January 13.