Many years ago, I sat with a group of women as we talked about our experiences in the roofing industry.  How it took special women to work in such a male dominated industry.  But it was also an interesting career choice for many of us as we explained to family and friends that we worked across the country promoting roofing products and working with roofing contractors to promote their businesses.

Over the years, I have met some of the most amazing women who have made roofing their career as I have also done.  I have also met amazing men who have not only supported the growth of women in this trade but have been strong mentors and encouraged me to grow my career.  It was those experiences and conversations with up and coming women in roofing that incentivized me to approach MRCA with the idea of starting a council of National Women in Roofing (NWIR).

That was June of 2014 and now in September of 2015, this organization has created a lot of excitement within the roofing industry.  Women from all walks including contractors, distributors, manufacturers, technology and consulting have joined in to talk, mentor and network with other women.  It has not just been women who have encouraged this growth.  Outstanding men in the roofing industry have played crucial roles. It is with the understanding that together we can create an even stronger industry and solve many of the problems that we face today including labor, safety and the overall branding of roofing as a highly professional trade.

In November at the MRCA convention, we are going to step beyond the networking events that have gotten us started over the last year.  NWIR will be hosting powerful speakers and discussions that will challenge, enchant and make all of us look a little closer at how we are handling our careers and home lives.  I invite all of you to join us for this great event.

NWIR is also working hard to finalize a national structure that will provide a foundation for long term sustainability and scalability of the organization.  These discussions and information will also be an active conversation at the convention.  We look forward to seeing you all there but for those who cannot attend we will keep the conversation active at

Heidi J. Ellsworth

NWIR Chair