The NWiR Mentorship Committee has selected the following two women for the 2020 NWiR Day and IRE N.E.W.S. (Network of Educating Women Scholarship).
- Xochitl Arango – The Roofing Lady
- Tammy Johns – T Johns Roofing & Construction
We would like to thank the 70+ women who applied. Our committee took the time to read through each application and discuss as a group. One thing we all agreed on is that this industry is full powerful and impressive women!
IRE N.E.W.S. (Network of Educating Women Scholarship)
Based on the association goals of mentoring, education, networking and recruitment, National Women in Roofing is pleased to offer a scholarship program for attendance at NWIR Day and the International Roofing Expo at the 2020 IRE and NRCA Convention in Dallas, Texas. This program is designed to encourage first time attendees who work for a roofing contractor to experience the benefits of professional development in the roofing industry. Attendance at these events can influence one’s career trajectory and benefit not just the attendee, but her company/employer as well.
Benefits include:
- Attendance at NWIR Day on February 2nd
- IRE Tradeshow Expo Pass
- Super Pass to Education Sessions February 4-6
- NRCA Awards Banquet
- Hotel accommodations (not to exceed $1,500)
- Roundtrip airfare (not to exceed ($800)
- Tailored agenda with host provided by NWIR Mentorship Committee
- Each attendee and her employer will be responsible for meals, ground transportation and incidentals.
Guidelines for applicants
- Current NWIR Member
- Woman working as or employed by a roofing contractor
- Agreement to attend NWIR Day, education sessions and the expo
- Attend the NWIR hosted session held during the IRE education sessions
- Assist with staffing the NWIR booth at the expo (2-3 hours total)
- Agreement to write a statement summarizing her experience and provide a photographic release
- If an employee (rather than an owner), agreement from your employer for paid time off to travel from February 1-6.