The NWiR Northern New Jersey Council took action to ‘Make 2023 Our Best Year’ as members joined a Master Class in the power of vision presented by Cynthia Watts Murphy.
Cynthia is a Certified Life Mastery Consultant through The Brave Thinking Institute for Transformational Coaching, who guided the group through the 3 simple steps to manifest a life your love.
With her guidance, we created a blueprint to accomplish our dreams. As part of the process, we were guided through a life assessment that helped in identifying opportunities for growth in the 4 segments of our lives:
– Vocation
– Love & Relationships
– Health and Wellbeing
– Time and Money Freedom
Once complete, Cynthia then coached the group through the process of visualizing those changes and how they would impact our future lives.
Using the power of positive thinking the group was motivated to befriend our fears and start 2023 off with a feeling of empowerment, ready to begin a journey of realizing our dreams. To learn more about Cynthia Watts Murphy’s life journey and teachings connect with her on Linkedin.