Kyrah is a leader in all areas. She has been an asset to National Women in Roofing locally here in Dallas as well as Nationally. She leads with passion and embodies the meaning of hustle. Her constant commitment to making our industry better is contagious She is an inspiration and role model for women in our Industry. She is on the Dallas Board as Chair of Membership and is Chair of the Finance Committee on the National Level. We are so proud of you Congrats Kyrah!
Casey Troxclair – Past Chair, DFW Board; Contract Manager of KPost Roofing & Waterproofing
The NRP Board of Directors and I are proud to promote Kyrah Coker to President of NRP. Kryah’s leadership, execution of company goals and establishment of a tremendous company culture were key factors in her promotion, Kyrah’s dedication to Roofing & Construction with her NWIR and CFMA national Board of Director positions demonstrate her continued commitment to advancing NRP’s core values in her profession. Congrats Kyrah!
Steve Little – CEO of NRP; President of KPost Roofing & Waterproofing