How many of us have asked how we might help those affected by natural disasters? A home fire? The Ukraine crisis? The American Red Cross is a trusted non-profit with an international presence supported by thousands of volunteers responding to a crisis – at the worst moment in someone’s life.

Our hearts go out to everyone affected by Hurricane Ian’s catastrophic damage. We have NWIR colleagues and their families in Florida struggling today and for months to come. Did you know that 1,000 trained Red Cross disaster workers are supporting this relief effort – iand hundreds more are on the way. Before the storm, the Red Cross mobilized 83 truckloads of cots, blankets and comfort kits, along with tens of thousands of relief supplies, to be prepared to help as many as 60,000 people. The Red Cross also sent several hundred blood products to ensure blood is available for patients in areas impacted by the storm.

As conditions slowly improve over the coming days, response efforts will expand as emergency shelters develop more robust services. Learn more about how the Red Cross prepared for Ian in this video and more in this web story.