One of the things I love doing as part of my job is environmental scanning – which just means staying on top of new research, articles, and initiatives that affect the various segments of the roofing industry.

I saw this come across my desk from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and thought it might be of interest to NWiR members.


Over the last two years, the pandemic has caused tax deadlines to shift and brought about federal relief programs — all affecting how small businesses file income taxes. Although the 2022 tax season is shaping up to be closer to “business as usual,” there are some considerations of which small business owners need to be aware.
Key takeaways:
Unlike 2020 and 2021, there are no major changes small businesses need to know for this tax season.
In the early days of the pandemic, Congress allowed businesses to defer unemployment and employer taxes from their payroll. Those who elected to do so need to pay those taxes for the 2022 tax season.
Tax preparation is an ongoing process, so business owners should meet with their accountant and bookkeeper regularly.

Click here to visit the website for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and continue reading about navigating tax season in CO–’s guide for small businesses.