Join us in Dallas!

Join us! National Women in Roofing (NWIR) is hosting a one-day conference in Dallas, Texas on February 2, 2020 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center (also called the Dallas Convention Center) in advance of IRE. By attending, you will connect, discover and cultivate new relationships with roofing professionals.

The third annual NWiR Day on February 2nd is the premiere conference for multidisciplinary women professionals in the roofing industry to get together to learn about the latest business strategies and tactics and share their secrets to success. Connect with professional, like-minded, good-spirited women from all facets of the roofing industry and experience insight, inspiration and fun.

The is a FULL DAY program and will begin at 9:00 am and end at 5:30pm, with a fun evening activity to take place immediately afterwards. Sessions cover topics including business development, communications, career development, mentoring, recruitment, roofing technology advancements, hands on product demonstrations, a safety wear fashion show and of course, networking. This program is intended to foster conversation and learning and will include a light breakfast, lunch, snacks, and the evening activity. The first 285 registrants will also receive a swag bag of gifts from our sponsors.

You will be able to select each session in which you choose to participate and we hope you come prepared to fully engage and get the most out of this event.

Download the Flier:
Encourage your colleagues to attend by sending the link to this page or forwarding this flier.

Information & Links

Schedule & Agenda:
The schedule for 2020 will be a full day (from 9am-7pm). Download the program schedule and agenda.

Registration for this event is through the International Roofing Expo and NWiR members may register now. Please review the section at the bottom of the page for some notes on registration and the appropriate links to use to register for members who work for employers other than roofing contracting companies. Fees will be $65 for NWiR members. The fee is $125 for non-members, which will include a NWIR membership

Justification Letter:
Sometimes it can be challenging to help an employer understand the value of professional development, so NWIR members have prepared a toolkit to help justify your attendance to your employer.

Travel & Hotels: Please make your own airline arrangements using your preferred carrier. For hotels, you may book directly with any hotel property or you may use the hotel blocks arranged for IRE. We are often asked “where is everybody staying” and the answer is everywhere! Most people are staying within a mile or so of the convention center.

2019 NWIR Day video recap

How to Register


Registration for this event is through the IRE registration unless you work for are a non-exhibiting manufacturer, distributor or service provider.The fee for members is $65 and the fee for nonmembers is $125.

Before you register…

To determine if you will receive $65 member pricing, the system uses the exact first name, last name, member number and email address that is on the NWIR member list. If you enter your first and last name but use a personal email, the system will not provide member pricing if the member list has your work email (or vice versa). Same thing if you enter as your name Cindy, but you are listed has Cynthia. It must be an exact match in all 4 fields.

NWIR members were sent an email on December 12, 2019 with their member number and you can also see your member number on the association management system at

If you are using the proper information as outlined above, and you still aren’t getting the member pricing, please contact the NWiR office at 303-450-3150 and ask to verify your membership status. If you have joined or renewed your membership in the past month; it could be that our upload that includes your member renewal hasn’t gone through yet.

Registration Instructions


  • If you are an attendee, click if you are attending NWIR Day and the IRE education sessions or special events; use discount code BARTER02. The discount code will give you free entry to the expo and a 15% discount off the super pass. The page to register for NWiR Day is towards the end, so don’t worry – you’ll get there!

EXHIBITORS / EXHIBITING COMPANIES: Manufacturers, Distributors, Service Providers

  • If your company is an exhibitor and you will be working in the booth, provide your NWIR member number to your company’s point of contact and ask them to register you. Alternately, get your exhibitor code from your company’s point of contact and update your registration to include NWIR Day. If one person at your company is registering a large batch of employees at the same time, please contact Elizabeth Miller (elizabeth [at] nationalwomeninroofing [dot] org) in the NWIR office and she can send you a list of all NWIR members (and their member number) who have indicated your company name as their organization.
  • If your company is an exhibitor and you are NOT working the booth, the best case scenario is for your company to add you as booth personnel and then follow the process above.  If this isn’t possible, then please contact Elizabeth Miller (elizabeth [at] nationalwomeninroofing [dot] org) in the NWIR office for further instructions.
  • Contact Elizabeth Miller in the NWiR office if the above options don’t work for you. elizabeth [at] nationalwomeninroofing [dot] org

Contractors who are JUST ATTENDING NWIR DAY:

  • If you are unable to attend IRE but still want to attend NWIR Day, register here: From this link those wishing to register for NWIR day will be able to do so, just choose Expo Only (which is free). Click past the portion to register for the IRE registration sessions. The page to register for NWiR Day is towards the end, so don’t worry – you’ll get there! The fee for NWIR members is $65 and for non-members is $125. If you are a NWIR member, but are being charged the higher rate, please see the paragraph above on member pricing. This link may act as if you are attending the trade show/expo for free, but that’s okay; you should not be charged any additional fees beyond NWIR Day.
  • If your employer/company is an exhibitor, please see the instructions above.


  • If you are only attending NWIR Day and the IRE trade show (but no other education sessions or special events), register here: From this link those wishing to register for NWIR day will be able to do so, they will also get the free expo passes and 15% off of a Conference Super Pass. Join us at the National Women In Roofing day at the IRE and gain access to the IRE Expo Hall, a $65 value, at no extra cost. The page to register for NWiR Day is towards the end of the registration process, so don’t worry – you’ll get there! The fee for NWIR members is $65 and for non-members is $125. If you are a NWIR member, but are being charged the higher rate, please see the paragraph above on member pricing.
  • If your employer/company is an exhibitor, please see the instructions above.

NOTE: If you work for a non-exhibiting manufacturer/distributor/service provider, you will register directly with NWIR. We aren’t quite ready to start that process yet, but should have it running by late-January. There will definitely be space for you to attend, just check back here in late January.

Difficulties with Registration

  • If you are registering yourself, and are still having difficulties, please contact the IRE registration desk at 866.860.1970. However, if you work for a company that is a manufacturer/distributor/service provider and that company is not exhibiting at the IRE, then you will not be able to register through IRE and should follow the instructions above for non-exhibiting manufacturer/distributor/service provider.
  • If your employer/company is an exhibitor, please see the instructions above for exhibitors.
  • Where to go for help:
    • Contact the IRE registration desk at 866.860.1970 if you need assistance with an individual registration process.
    • Call the office at 303-450-3150 if you can’t access the association management system and need to verify your membership status or member number.
    • If you are registering a group of people from your company and are having difficulty, please contact Elizabeth Miller if you need to verify membership or obtain member numbers.