The Education Committee has been working hard to pull together Q2 technical content. To kick things off, April will feature “All Things Asphalt”! Please visit the Technical Education page for a list of resources specific to steep slope and low-slope roofing. We will also be offering a Tech Talk on April 21st on the Basics of Asphalt Shingles. The registration link for that event is located here:

April 14th will be the first meeting to discuss the new Books & Bubbly book: 13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don’t Do: Own Your Power, Channel Your Confidence, and Find Your Authentic Voice for a Life of Meaning and Joy by Amy Morin. Please join the Education and Events committee at 7pm EST to discuss!

A look ahead to May, NWiR will be hosting a hands-on demo on May 20th. During this hands-on demo, the GAF CARE team will be teaching us how to install asphalt shingles (just like the ones that are on your roof)! The Charlotte Metro, Tennessee, and Cleveland Councils will be participating at their select locations and showing us what they have learned. Please join us “Shingle Ladies” virtually from 12-1pm EST on May 20th!

Upcoming Technical Resource Topics:
May: Going Green! Green Roof Topics
June: Weathering the Storm: Resilient Building
July: Hot Topics on Single Ply Membranes

Do you have an idea or want to join the Education committee? Please reach out to to connect!