It’s been a few weeks since I attended NWiR Day and the Education Committee is working on content for 2022. Participating in NWiR day is always very special. It reminds me of the importance NWiR plays in not only my professional development, but also my personal growth. In 2021, with the help of some amazing volunteers, the Education Committee delivered great content. In 2022 we are looking to build and expand the depth of topics we deliver to NWiR members.

In order to accomplish our goals we are going to need volunteers to donate time, talent and wisdom. The topics we plan to tackle this year include: office management, chemistry / R&D careers, business fundamentals, and DE&I to name a few.

What are we looking for?
We are looking for subject matter experts in areas of HR, R&D, Leadership, Accounting, Business development, technical experts, etc…We are interested in a wide range of experience. The content we deliver should offer something of value no matter where you are in your career; just starting out or well established.

Ways to get involved:
– participate in a round table
– bring SME knowledge to a webinar
– bring your council together and participate in a live hands on demo

What is the time commitment?
Time commitments will vary depending on the type of event planned for the month. In general volunteering for an event will include some of the following commitments:
– joining a planning/fact finding call
– participating in content development
– attending 1 – 2 calls to prepare and finalize content
– participating on event day

The Education Committee has a group of folks ready and willing to help you navigate the volunteer waters! We understand the challenge of balancing both business and personal lives. We will do our best to respect and honor any time offered by volunteers.

If you or your council are ready to volunteer in 2022 please reach out to us!
Maureen Greeves:
Erica Farver:
Jodi Thomas: