Central New Jersey Council
Athena Thanos-Chair-athenat@usagcc.com Lily Jiminez-Vice Chair-lilyj@usagcc.com Lisa Martin-Secretary-lisa@oharassons.com Lisa Dunwoody-Treasuer-ldunwoody@oharassons.com Visit our CommUnity Council Page for our latest updates
Arizona – Greater Phoenix
The Greater Phoenix Council of National Women in Roofing is excited to have you. New events coming soon!
Ashlyn Bartlett: Co-chair, ashlyn@bartlettroofs.com Holly Drinkard: Co-chair, hollykay@platinum-contractor.com Allison Briggs: Secretary & Treasurer, cfo@western-roofing.com Visit our CommUnity Council Page for our latest updates
NWiR is pleased to announce the formation of a new Council, the NWiR Illinois Council which will encompass the state of Illinois and will offer events for women throughout Illinois, in northwest Indiana, in southern Illinois in conjunction with the St. Louis Council and in southeast Wisconsin in conjunction with the Milwaukee Council. Women in Illinois have asked for the creation of this Council in order to empower and engage with women in the roofing industry [...]
California – Southern California
Co-Chair - Amy Lee - amyl@bcmet.com Co-Chair - Denise Cantu - denise.cantu@becn.com Co-Chair - Cindy Rivera - cindy@consciousworldchangers.com Secretary - Jenny Aguiar - jenny.aguiar@flashco.com Communications - Shari Carlozzi - scarlozzi@seamancorp.com Marketing - Sam Ramirez - sam.ramirez@flashco.com Membership - Gina Casher - Gina.Cashner@becn.com Events & Sponsors - Jacqueline Medina - Jacqueline.Medina@jbwholesale.com Events & Sponsors - Melida Flores - Melida.Flores@jbwholesale.com Events & Sponsors - Heather Moya - Heather.Moya@jbroofing.com Visit our CommUnity Council Page for our latest updates