The seventh annual NWiR Day will be held on February 4, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada (just prior to the IRE). To create an energetic and intuitive agenda that is responsive to the needs of women in the roofing industry, we are looking for your suggestions and contributions on best practices and important issues to empower women and their allies in the roofing industry. NWiR Day is not just another professional development conference; it is a time for women and their allies to engage in education, networking, and mentoring for the purpose of growing their careers and strengthening their businesses.

Our theme this year is: Hitting It Out Of the Park: How Women Rise With Allies and Advocates

Think about it this way, what do you wish you had known at the beginning or mid-point of your career? What topics are relevant in your life and your companies this year that we can share with a broader audience? How can we rise together? 

We encourage the submission of topics that build on the theme. There will be tracks specific to the following areas: 

  • How Women Rise
  • Allies and Advocates
  • Spanish Speaking Track (session hosted in Spanish)
  • Regional Session (geared towards a specific physical area; could be led by a council(s))
  • Hands-on Demos (geared towards folks without prior field experience)

Sessions can include a panel discussion, facilitate a conversation, produce an interactive workshop experience…anything to engage our members in meaningful content. Roofing contractors, building envelope consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, vendors, and service providers are all welcome to submit ideas – we’re looking forward to your creativity! 

Submissions will close on August 31, 2023.

Submit Proposals Here