As I’ve mentioned in previous newsletters, NWiR participates in a couple of different coalitions that are keeping tabs on how the pandemic is affecting roofing. The formal Back to Work on America’s Roofs meets every other week and is comprised of staff members from all the roofing related professional and trade associations. We compare notes on what we know about the status of various federal stimulus packages, discuss state and local stay at home/safer at home orders, and strategize the best ways to educate policymakers on the importance of the roofing industry to sustain and recover the economy.
There is a specific area where we can use your help as boots on the ground. There are two elements of stay at home/safer at home orders that could impact roofing. The first is when even essential businesses are ordered to close and the second is when construction and roofing are not considered essential businesses. Both of these situations require immediate intervention and the BWAR coalition has materials ready to go if this is the case; and we will work with NWiR members as well as the local roofing contractor organizations to advocate for roofing. If your state or municipality enacts stay at home/safer at home orders that either: 1. Don’t allow essential businesses to remain open; or 2. Don’t include roofing or construction as essential – please let me know!
On a related note, it can feel overwhelming sometimes to keep on top of all the information. Here are my three favorite sources for roofing, construction, and manufacturing related news:
NRCA – National Roofing Contractors Association
NAM – National Association of Manufacturers
AGC – The Construction Association
You can subscribe to their free e-news letters and also bookmark the news pages on your computer or phone and scan when you’ve got a couple of minutes.